Technology Networks | How Can Data Platforms Unlock the Power of Single-Cell Analysis?
Single-cell technologies have positioned themselves at the forefront of biomedical research. These platforms allow researchers to bypass the uncertainties of bulk data and instead interrogate biological systems at a level of detail that was previously unreachable. But the value of these systems risks being impaired by bottlenecks in data analysis and handling. To find out […]
Manufacturing Chemist | The increasing power of single-cell omics: changing the future of medicine
Advances in the single-cell genomic analysis of cells and tissues, including the required computational methods, have now put systematic, high-resolution and comprehensive reference maps of all human cells within our reach. Paradigm4’s Marilyn Matz, CEO and cofounder, and Dr Zachary Pitluk, VP of Life Sciences and Healthcare, report
Technology Networks | How Can Data Platforms Unlock the Power of Single-Cell Analysis?
Single-cell technologies have positioned themselves at the forefront of biomedical research. These platforms allow researchers to bypass the uncertainties of bulk data and instead interrogate biological systems at a level of detail that was previously unreachable. by Ruairi J MacKenzie