
Manufacturing Chemist | The increasing power of single-cell omics: changing the future of medicine

Advances in the single-cell genomic analysis of cells and tissues, including the required computational methods, have now put systematic, high-resolution and comprehensive reference maps of all human cells within our reach. Paradigm4’s Marilyn Matz, CEO and cofounder, and Dr Zachary Pitluk, VP of Life Sciences and Healthcare, report

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The Analytical Scientist | The Vast Potential of Single-Cell Analysis

Single-cell analysis has great promise… but how can we get there? by Zachary Pitluk

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Paradigm4 launches flexFS

Paradigm4, an integrated scientific data analytics company, has launched flexFS, its elastic cloud file system for flexible and more resource-efficient data storage and scalable computing.

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Manufacturing Chemist | Multidimensional data analysis platforms: meeting new FDA calls for consistent evidence from CGT developers

Recent news that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will ask cell and gene therapy (CGT) developers to provide more consistent evidence with their submissions has resulted in drug makers delaying development plans — and working on new ways to address the agency’s concerns