
Paradigm4 launches flexFS

Paradigm4, an integrated scientific data analytics company, has launched flexFS, its elastic cloud file system for flexible and more resource-efficient data storage and scalable computing.

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GenomeWeb: Paradigm4 Moves Into Single-Cell Data, Helps Pharma Address COVID-19

Neil Versel

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Pharma’s Almanac | Enabling Pharma Researchers to Think Differently with Effective Data Manipulation

Pharma researchers are tasked with organizing disparate data, which detracts from time spent understanding disease mechanisms and enabling the development of more effective drugs. Paradigm4 is tackling this issue with a new platform based on a novel approach to data organization and elastic computing. Even companies with small budgets can

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Technology Networks | How Can Data Platforms Unlock the Power of Single-Cell Analysis?

Single-cell technologies have positioned themselves at the forefront of biomedical research. These platforms allow researchers to bypass the uncertainties of bulk data and instead interrogate biological systems at a level of detail that was previously unreachable. by Ruairi J MacKenzie