
BIO-IT World | Is Precision Medicine Ready For Data From Billions Of Cells?

Popular opinion is that two big shifts have changed the game for bioinformatics. The first is a technology development—single cell ‘omics—that began just over 10 years ago, the other is a more recent move to a new model of drug discovery that looks to leverage the vast amounts of human genetic data now being generated in support of precision medicine.

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Bio-IT World || The Role Of Bioinformatics In Bringing Biobanks To The Forefront Of Scientific Breakthroughs

Life science researchers and drug discovery scientists today work in what, in my view, will be remembered in the future as the beginning of a “golden era” where the power of genetic information is connected to a wide range of other healthcare and lifestyle data to support better understanding of

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Manufacturing Chemist | The increasing power of single-cell omics: changing the future of medicine

Advances in the single-cell genomic analysis of cells and tissues, including the required computational methods, have now put systematic, high-resolution and comprehensive reference maps of all human cells within our reach. Paradigm4’s Marilyn Matz, CEO and cofounder, and Dr Zachary Pitluk, VP of Life Sciences and Healthcare, report

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Pharma’s Almanac | Integrating Heterogeneous Data to Enable Precision Medicine

Paradigm4’s Marilyn Matz and Zachary Pitluk discuss the challenges of integrating data from heterogeneous sources and how the company’s plaform and apps combine the cutting edge of computer science and a sensibility geared toward the unique needs of pharma and biopharma to provide end-to-end solutions.