
Technology Networks | How Can Data Platforms Unlock the Power of Single-Cell Analysis?

Single-cell technologies have positioned themselves at the forefront of biomedical research. These platforms allow researchers to bypass the uncertainties of bulk data and instead interrogate biological systems at a level of detail that was previously unreachable. But the value of these systems risks being impaired by bottlenecks in data analysis and handling. To find out more, we spoke to Marilyn Matz, CEO and co-founder of Paradigm4, an analytics solutions company that aims to provide solutions to these data problems.

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Pharma’s Almanac | What do you think most differentiates the U.S. pharma/biopharma industry or the market?

Paradigm4’s Marilyn Matz reflects on the understanding complex biological phenomena has required concurrent advances in experimental methods and computing power.

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Biocompare | Are We Ready to Embrace Precision Medicine?

Precision medicine is one of the most talked about trends in healthcare. The promise is improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction, gained through an understanding of individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle. Recent commentators suggest that many of the technologies required to realize this goal already exist—and predict much

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Pharma’s Almanac | Integrating Heterogeneous Data to Enable Precision Medicine

Paradigm4’s Marilyn Matz and Zachary Pitluk discuss the challenges of integrating data from heterogeneous sources and how the company’s plaform and apps combine the cutting edge of computer science and a sensibility geared toward the unique needs of pharma and biopharma to provide end-to-end solutions.