
Biospace || Paradigm4 Joins the Tetra Partner Network to Leverage Tetra Data into High-performing Analytical Computing Applications for Pharmaceutical Customers

TetraScience, the R&D Data Cloud company, announced today that Paradigm4, an integrated scientific data analytics company, has joined the Tetra Partner Network (TPN) so that pharmaceutical customers can accelerate research decision-making using Tetra Data as a foundation for analytical computing.

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Pharma’s Almanac | Enabling Pharma Researchers to Think Differently with Effective Data Manipulation

Pharma researchers are tasked with organizing disparate data, which detracts from time spent understanding disease mechanisms and enabling the development of more effective drugs. Paradigm4 is tackling this issue with a new platform based on a novel approach to data organization and elastic computing. Even companies with small budgets can

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Biocompare | Are We Ready to Embrace Precision Medicine?

Precision medicine is one of the most talked about trends in healthcare. The promise is improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction, gained through an understanding of individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle. Recent commentators suggest that many of the technologies required to realize this goal already exist—and predict much

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Drug Discovery World | Are scalable data science platforms the way forward?

Marilyn Matz, CEO of Paradigm4, and Zachary Pitluk, Vice President of Life Sciences at Paradigm4, explain why scalable data science platforms are key to supporting integrated analysis of single-cell genomic data sets.