Pharma’s Almanac || What do you consider the biggest challenge that the pharma/biopharma industry currently faces?
Marilyn Matz, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Paradigm4 “Genomics’ role in the life science vision “is only as credible as its implementation,”
insideBIGDATA || Big Data in Life Sciences – Why ‘doing things the old way’ is the Biggest Barrier to Progress
Zachary Pitluk, Ph.D., Vice President of Life Sciences and Healthcare at Paradigm4, highlights how real insight comes, not from data collection, but from intelligent data curation, computation, and application.
Bio-IT World || The Role Of Bioinformatics In Bringing Biobanks To The Forefront Of Scientific Breakthroughs
Life science researchers and drug discovery scientists today work in what, in my view, will be remembered in the future as the beginning of a “golden era” where the power of genetic information is connected to a wide range of other healthcare and lifestyle data to support better understanding of disease etiology