
Pharma’s Almanac || What do you consider the biggest challenge that the pharma/biopharma industry currently faces?

Marilyn Matz, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Paradigm4 “Genomics’ role in the life science vision “is only as credible as its implementation,”

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Technology Networks | How Can Data Platforms Unlock the Power of Single-Cell Analysis?

Single-cell technologies have positioned themselves at the forefront of biomedical research. These platforms allow researchers to bypass the uncertainties of bulk data and instead interrogate biological systems at a level of detail that was previously unreachable. by Ruairi J MacKenzie

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Paradigm4 Launches Precision Cell Atlas™

Paradigm4 has launched the Precision Cell AtlasTM as an integral component of its REVEALTM: SingleCell app. The Precision Cell Atlas enables scientists to create a custom cell atlas by selectively combining an unlimited number of samples from multiple datasets for specific research objectives and explicitly saving them for collaboration, reuse,

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WALTHAM, Mass. || Paradigm4, Inc. announces the general availability of flexFS

Paradigm4 announces the general availability of flexFS, a hyperscale file system designed for AI/ML and large file data workloads, providing unparalleled throughput at 50% lower cost