Marilyn Matz, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Paradigm4 “Genomics’ role in the life science vision “is only as credible as its implementation,”
Marilyn Matz, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Paradigm4 “Genomics’ role in the life science vision “is only as credible as its implementation,”
Single-cell technologies have positioned themselves at the forefront of biomedical research. These platforms allow researchers to bypass the uncertainties of bulk data and instead interrogate biological systems at a level of detail that was previously unreachable. by Ruairi J MacKenzie
Paradigm4 has launched the Precision Cell AtlasTM as an integral component of its REVEALTM: SingleCell app. The Precision Cell Atlas enables scientists to create a custom cell atlas by selectively combining an unlimited number of samples from multiple datasets for specific research objectives and explicitly saving them for collaboration, reuse,
Paradigm4 announces the general availability of flexFS, a hyperscale file system designed for AI/ML and large file data workloads, providing unparalleled throughput at 50% lower cost